Home Page 1.0 Microsoft Word 1.1 Word Processing 1.2 Simple Web Pages 1.3 Drawing Tools 1.4 Word Activity 2.0 Microsoft PowerPoint 2.1 Day at School Show 2.2 Peer Evaluations 2.3 PowerPoint Activity 3.0 Microsoft Excel 3.1 Formulas and Formats 3.2 Graphing 3.3 Excel Activity |
2.0 Microsoft PowerPoint Almost every student makes several PowerPoint shows while in elementary school and some students have made some very intricate projects. While in the middle school we attempt to hone their pre-existing skills by stressing some basic design elements. Presentation software does open up a new world of possibilities for all of us. Computer technology has made it possible for anyone to become a graphic artist, video director or publisher. Because of this our students need to learn how to communicate visually as well as orally and in writing. This is a new and important challenge for educators. Here are some links to more information about communicating visually & PowerPoint:
Best Slide Shows at SlideShare.net
Fun PowerPoints for Teachers
Death by PowerPoint
12 Steps to Better E-Presentations
Enough is Enough
Dos and Don'ts
PowerPoint is Evil
PPT Help Some Humorous PowerPoint's: |
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