You probably remember doing them when you were in school and if you're a teacher you still have your students doing them: Current Events. Well the students of today have access to a whole lot more news articles from all around the world than most of their teachers could even imagine. Here's how to find some current events online:
First we're not going to waste any time at the website of your local paper or TV stations. We're going to go right for websites that are the pulsing jugular of online current events.
Google News:
1) Go to and select the “News” tab in the upper left hand corner.
2) When you get there you’ll be viewing a list of the top stories by category. The stories are gathered from online news resources from all around the world. The stories are categorized and updated routinely. You can even see how old the stories are. Some of them are only minutes old. You can't get much more "current" than that, can you.
3) Categories include Science & Technology,Sports, U.S. National News and evenEntertainment. To find more stories in that category just click on the tabs in the top left of the web page.
4) Maybe you’d prefer to view your news from a Russian, Chinese or an Indian perspective. Just click on the country of your choice at the bottom of the screen and you'll be viewing current events from those countries:

This is an example of an automatic news aggregator which is a website that pulls together top stories from all sorts of news outlets and puts similar stories together. It's one stop shopping for all the current events you could ever need. There are other examples of news aggregators that you could also try.
Bing has one that includes videos:
Yahoo also has a news aggregator: is another example of a quick place to check for the current top stories.
Matt Drudge is famous for his news aggregator that is created by humans and not a computer program: |