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Technology Tip Number 73
Some Educational TV for a Change

You don't have to teach for too long before you realize that television represents some pretty tough competition.  As a matter of fact, you probably even have a few favorite TV shows of your own.  Today's technology tip is about helping you to be the best "life long learner" you can be though educational TV viewing.  Sure its a little passive but who can resist watching some people install a retaining wall on a Saturday afternoon instead of mowing the lawn.  Who knows, you might even learn something. 

Check out some of these links to help you select your next educational TV experience.  Depending on the type of internet connection you have you might even be able to enjoy some of these shows through the internet.

Local PBS Stations Schedule:  http://www.pbs.org/tvschedules/

The DIY Network:  http://www.diynetwork.com/

The Food Network:  http://www.foodtv.com/

Discovery Network:  http://www.discovery.com/

Discovery Health:  http://health.discovery.com/

The History Channel:  http://www.historychannel.com/

Arts & Entertainment:  http://www.aetv.com/

The Science Channel:  http://science.discovery.com/

The Learning Channel:  http://tlc.discovery.com/

Fitness TV:  http://fittv.discovery.com/

And of course, Discovery Kids:  http://kids.discovery.com/

And if you can't find anything else, here's the Yahoo TV Guide:  http://tv.yahoo.com/

You might even want to consider that some of these shows networks: 

Australia:  http://www.abc.net.au/learn/schools/default.htm
Britain:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/learning/ & http://www.teachers.tv/
Canada:  http://www.sd61.bc.ca/learnres/Edu/TV.html

PRACTICE ACTIVITY Try checking out a couple of the links above just to see what kinds of things these sites have to offer. 

TO KEEP ON LEARNING:  To find out some more about educational TV try searching the internet for:

Educational TV

Have a nice day!

Web www.180techtips.com


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