If there’s anything computers are really good at its redundant tasks, they love them. We humans invented computers because we hate doing the same thing again and again. Every computer has this ability to release their human operators from the slavery of redundancy. But how do you unleash this magical power inside your desktop computer?
Learn to copy and paste:
Most Microsoft programs give you three options when it comes to copying and pasting. Choose the one you like the most.
1) highlight the text or picture you want to copy and select “Edit” from the menu bar and then select “Copy”
2) Next click in the document where you want to paste the text and choose “Paste” from the “Edit” menu.
1) Highlight the text you want to copy and then Right Click on the text.
2) Select Copy off the menu that appears:
3) Right click where you want to place the text and then select “Paste” from the menu that appears
1) Highlight the text you want to copy
2) Hold the CTRL key down and press the letter “C” on your keyboard
3) Left click where you want to paste the text
4) Hold down the CTRL key and press the letter “V” on your keyboard to paste the text |