The average starting salary for a college graduate in the U.S.A. was $44,259 in 2012 but the average starting salary for the average teacher in the U.S.A. was $35,672 in 2012. If the average teacher is making approximately 20% less than their fellow college graduates how do they get by and succeed?
If you're a teacher you already know the answer because you live it, but if you aren't in education here is an opportunity for you to learn a few frugal tricks from the education majors. There are plenty more, this is just a start.
Even Teachers can have a smart phone: Education is an isolating profession to say the least. Some days you are the only adult you see all day long, assuming you have a mirror in your classroom. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have a quick way to contact your friends and family when your classroom duties are done. Just one problem, when it comes to cell phones there are no fancy discount corporate plans for educators, but don't despair, if your school has good WiFi you might be able to have a great smart phone with
plans starting as low as $5/month from Republic Wireless . That's right, a teacher could get a brand new Moto X $299 No Contract from Republic Wireless Unlimited 3G Plans ! You can read a complete review of Republic Wireless Here.
Cheap T-Shirts for the Summer: You may have to dress professional during the school year but you're on your own for the Summer months. Why spend a bundle when you can get your t-shirts for as little as $6 from 6 Dollar Shirts. They have plenty of selection with a nice tilt towards the humorous, nerdy, eccentric and retro look. And for a few bucks more you can get some higher quality tees that will last you for a couple of Summers.
Order Discount Glasses Online: Have you ever noticed that lots of teachers wear glasses? Where are they getting them from? A single pair of prescription glasses can easily cost $300. You might have access to a decent vision plan from your employer that pays for glasses but if you don't, you should research They are based in Ronkonkoma, New York and their business model is to completely cut out the middle man and pass all that savings to you. They have hundreds of popular styles, plenty of lens options. It only takes a few minutes to order your next pair of eyeware from them and most of their glasses really are only $39.00. If you have your prescription on hand and about 15 minutes try the website. Many teachers already have. If you need any help just try the chat feature on their website.
Stop paying too much for those darn razors: OK, maybe it's not on the very top of your frugality list, but have you considered that you might be able to save some serious money by ordering something you need every month online - like razors? wants to help you. It really can be only a $1.00 a month (plus shipping and handling) to pay for your razor needs. Plus they have a fun website with a goofy commercial that will cheer you up.
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Rent a house for your next vacation:
Full disclosure, teachers really do love their Summer vacation. It's a blessing, but if you don't have anough money to take a vacation it can be a curse. One of the more frugal ways to travel is to rent a vacation home directly from the owner using a website such as . Once again, by leveraging the communication power of the internet and cutting out the middle man you can realize incredible savings on your next vacation.
These are just a few insights into how your teacher/neighbors manage to save a little money in their day-to-day, and annual expenses. If you want to learn more about surviving and thriving on 20% less you're going to have to be real nice to a teacher and ask them yourself.