Are you aware of how much more compact recording technology hasbecome? Do you have any idea how easy it is to record a teacher in their classroom? It could be done by a student using a technology as simple as an iPod or a cell phone. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but consider what's possible.
You could be this teacher who was recently filmed in class:
Just a reminder that it doesn't take devices like these to make a recording of everything you say and do in the classroom:
ABC News Article about a recent classroom incident that was
"Caught on tape"
But this isn't just teachers behaving badly, more and more the humiliating video was planned in advance with students intentionally taunting their teacher until they over-reacting on camera. It is just one more thing to worry about in the classroom.
PRACTICE ACTIVITY: Try to find one person that you routinely see each day who has a cell phone, mp3 player or other technology that could be used to make a voice, video or photographic record at any time during the day.
TO KEEP ON LEARNING: Find out more about digital recording technology by searching the internet for:
digital recording technology
Camera phones
Tiny MPEG cameras